
ImOn.comTV To Debut Webcasting Solution

ImaginOn announced it is unveiling an all-in-one webcasting solution at the upcoming NAB 2000 show Monday. The device supports 200 video data streams in prices from $31,000 to $84,000.

ImOn.comTV is a turnkey software solution that enables content owners to create streaming video stations. The IMON.comTV interactive console offers users video on demand, automated Web searching, and other features, customized for each licensee.

"ImOn.comTV made its initial debut at the 1999 Fall ISPCON Show in San Jose, California, where it was greeted with enthusiastic support," ImaginOn Chief Executive Officer David Schwartz said. "

ImOn.comTV announced last week that it will power the American Arts Network, an arts site featuring video programming that will launch later this fall. A preview of the site will be unveiled this month, however.

ImaginOn is a start-up founded by David Schwartz and Leonard Kain in 1996. In January 1999, ImaginOn became a public company by completing a merger with California Pro Sports. All business operations of CALP were discontinued and the name was changed to ImaginOn, Inc.

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