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Streaming Media Hosting Announces Successful Live broadcast with iHeartMedia to over 500,000 fans.

iHeartMedia entrusted us to Produce, Direct and Broadcast their star-studded red carpet event and main concert stream and we delivered.

Santa Ana, Ca (18 May 2015)

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21 time Grammy award winner Kanye West, live from Wango Tango 2015

Streaming Media Hosting, a Premier Streaming Service Provider, in partnership with iHeartMedia, are proud to announce the successful LIVE broadcast of the sold out May 9th 2015 Wango Tango Festival to over 500,000 fans world-wide.  This exclusive event featured performers including Nick Jonas, Justin Bieber and Kanye West to name a few.

Fans around the world watched these performers live from a multitude of devices including PC’s, Tablets, Mobile Phones and Television via Roku, Google TV, Chromecast and others.

“We’re excited that the success of our combined efforts will afford us future opportunities to bring cutting-edge streaming technologies, giving these amazing performers a chance to remain closely connected with their 20,000,000 plus fans and social followers” said Robert Klug CEO of Streaming Media Hosting

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Justin Bieber headlining a start studded arrival of artist on the carpet.

“iHeartMedia entrusted us to Produce, Direct and Broadcast their star-studded red carpet event and main concert stream, and we delivered” said Klug.  The event also offered us an excellent opportunity to beta test and showcase our next generation Virtual Reality (VR) technologies to artists, fans and executives.

“Seeing everyone’s astonished reactions and listening to their enthusiastic feedback confirms that we are on the right path., Everyone Agrees, Virtual Reality is a very personal and immersive music experience that is the ultimate way to connect artists with their fans and in the near future we hope to deliver this same experience to everyone” said Klug.