Streaming Media West 2008
The Business & Technology Of Online Video
September 23-25, 2008 - (Preconference Workshops: Monday, September 22)
San Jose McEnery Convention Center San Jose, CA
Sven Herold
Head of Global Television
As Head of Global Television, Sven Herold is responsible for the overall broadcast activities of SAP worldwide. He is producing feature stories for the external internal platforms as well as supporting TV journalists covering SAP around the world. With its TV studios and production facilities in Europe and the US, the team as well supports SAP in all needs of presenting and featuring the company and its products.
Before serving for SAP Sven spend the last two years on the US West coast as a chief correspondent covering a variety of topics for European TV networks. He created, produced and directed feature stories and provided live news coverage. On behalf of European media clients he also researched and analyzed the US TV market and coached senior executives on communication skills and crisis management - both in Germany and the US. Before his time in Los Angeles, Sven served as director, producer and developer at ARD, the largest broadcast network in Europe, where he specialized in investigative feature stories on consumer business issues. In his years as TV journalist Sven collected a number of well reputable awards. Prior to his time at the ARD, Sven worked as a writer, producer and news editor for Germany's ZDF prime news broadcast "heute". He also spend time as feature writer at Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (comparable to the New York Times). Sven took part in a three year executive management training program at IP Network, the largest cross-media ad integration and TV/ Radio network sales company in Europe. He holds a management executive coach certification (instructor aptitude examination) and a university degree in mass media and communication.
Streaming Media West 2008
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