Charlie Ung
Charlie Ung
Workforce Communications and Enablement
IBM Digital Media
Charlie currently leads Digital Media for Global Workforce Communications and Engagement at IBM. With over 400,000 employees in 170 different countries, his role is to engage and enable those employees through digital media. He has spent the last several years implementing a secure, enterprise wide, cloud based, video delivery system capable of reaching each and every IBMer whether on mobile or desktop platforms. He was also the digital lead for IBM's Think Academy, the CEO led, social and digital platform to educate employees, clients, partners and friends on growth topics critical to the company's success. In addition to his role with Workforce Communications, Charlie is also the digital lead for IBM Investor Relations and is responsible for the digital delivery of the company's quarterly and annual earnings announcements, as well as regular analyst briefings delivered online.
Charlie started his career with IBM 15 years ago, fresh out of University. He has worked in the digital media space from the beginnings of mp3 and digital audio through to online webcasting, and now to the reliance of digital media as a core communications and engagement platform. He resides in Vancouver, Canada but works for IBM Corporate Headquarters in New York.
Streaming Media West 2015
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
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