Noam Geri
Noam Geri
VP of Business Development North America
Noam Geri heads Giraffic’s business development activity in North America, promoting their Giraffic Adaptive Video Acceleration technology to OEMs and to the the video streaming ecosystem. A 20-year industry veteran, Noam was the founder of AMIMON, a wireless high definition video semiconductor vendor and prior to that was at Texas Instruments broadband communication group. In recent years, Noam has been serving as a consultant and advisor to several startups in the consumer electronics space, including Tuxera, CONEQ Labs, Dual Aperture and Synerchip. Noam holds an MBA from Stanford University and an M.Sc and B.Sc. in EE from Tel-Aviv University.
Streaming Media West 2016
Wednesday, November 2, 2016
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