Spencer Stephens
Spencer Stephens
Sony Pictures
As Chief Technology Officer at Sony Pictures Entertainment, Spencer Stephens leads the studio’s Technology Development group working on technology innovation and application. The group's role touches on every part of the path from the on-set technology including cameras and lens, through post-production and mastering to the standards used to deliver content and provide a full consumer experience such as new standards in Extras interactivity.
The group's latest challenge has been building the workflow that adds HDR to the 4k UHD content the studio has been offering since 2013.
Previously, Spencer worked as a technologist for Warner Bros. and before that built and ran the digital production group at Walt Disney Television Animation.
Spencer started in data communications as system engineer at the inception of the computer network industry.
He has a BSc in physics from the University of Sussex and a masters in computer science from the University of California, Berkeley.
Streaming Media West 2016
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
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