Review: GoPro HD Hero3 Black Edition with Streaming via WiFi
The GoPro Hero3 Black Edition has a number of standout features, which have set the bar even higher for tiny HD video and still cameras, but the focus of this review will be not just the top-of-the-line new model's range of great features, but the ability to stream video live from the camera via a WiFi connection to a tablet or Smartphone.
GoPro is at it again with their recent release of the GoPro HD Hero 3. The new editions to the GoPro family were released in October. Unlike previous models, GoPro has decided to separate the new camera in to three slightly different models for consumers through to professionals. An official comparison of the different models and what they have to offer can be found on the GoPro website.
For the purpose of this review, however, we will be focusing on the Black Edition, because it is the most professional edition of the GoPro cameras to date.
The GoPro Hero3 Black Edition has a number of standout features, which have set the bar even higher for tiny HD video and still cameras. The Black Edition comes packed to the brim with features like ProTune, a faster processor, improved low light performance, and improved optics.
In spite of the powerful performance of the camera, the focus of this review will be on the capability of streaming video via a WiFi connection to a tablet or Smartphone.
WiFi Remote and Setup
The camera comes equipped and ready to stream, along with a WiFi remote, which accurately displays and controls the camera's functions and settings.

The remote is waterproof and wearable, and only has two buttons: on/off and mode. There is a tiny LCD screen, about one square inch, which shows exactly what the user would see on the camera's LCD screen. My first couple of attempts at pairing the camera to the remote proved unsuccessful, but eventually the frustration of only having two buttons to work with wore off. Once the remote and camera are connected, it makes for very easy, full control of the camera.
GoPro claims that the WIFI remote can work within a range of about 600 feet. Through various uses of the remote, I didn't find that to be completely accurate, but I was able to get the camera to work at a range of about 200-300ft, which is still pretty impressive.
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