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Camera Turret Debuts Feather Touch Zoom Controller for DSLR Lenses

New zoom controller with external DC motor designed to move even a 1/4 turn DSLR lens like a broadcast zoom

Camera Turret Technologies, Inc. unveils the new Feather Touch Zoom controller. This revolutionary new zoom controller with external DC motor can move even a 1/4 turn DSLR lens like a broadcast zoom.

Slow and smooth and yet as fast or faster than a broadcast quality video camera, with a slip clutch that releases at the lens stops. "Our first thought when approached at NAB2012 by a customer to develop a product to zoom his DSLR, was that it was a niche that needed to be filled. However, our first run of the product sold out in just two weeks and was spread evenly over DSLR, Cinema, and HD video cameras with inadequate zoom modules. We needed to keep the cost down for the DSLR users, but the quality of movement is so good it is used by the Cinema industry as well", explains Camera Turret president, Lou Chighisola.

Camera Turret Zoom Controller

The Feather Touch Zoom comes with: Controller, DC servo motor, power supply, adaptable battery cable, controller to servo cable and 15mm rail mount. Includes Film pitch gear. 

MSRP $599

Optional Fujinon and Canon gears available. 

Camera Turret Technologies, Inc. has been providing high-quality motorized pan/tilt systems to the film and video industry under the Camera Turret logo and as OEM for over 23 years. If it moves slower and smoother than any other, it’s made by Camera Turret.