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Tutorial: Branding Your Videos with Simple Animated Logo Intros

Here we'll look at how to make simple logo-based animated intros that won't set the world on fire, but will add a little branding kick to your videos using Photoshop and your NLE, without requiring you to hire a graphics expert or master After Effects or LightWave.

In Conclusion

Finally, unless you’re really going for an abrupt and dramatic ending that you’ll follow with a straight cut into the video that follows (and all the videos you’ll pair with this intro), you probably want to end your animation a couple of seconds before the music ends to leave some head room for transitioning to the video. Especially if you plan to use this intro in multiple projects, there’s no sense in boxing yourself in with too uncompromising a conclusion.

All in all, the clip below, which I whipped up as I was writing this tutorial, is probably not my liveliest animation, and nowhere near the 95-mile-per-hour fastball I'd be throwing for my viewing audience if I had all-star animation chops to showcase. And I’m not even sure this “Surf Guitar” track I grabbed from the assortment of purchased tracks in my archives necessarily captures the essence of the Internet Librarian 2013 conference (after all, the event does take place in Monterey, California, site of the 1967 Monterey Pop Festival, where Jimi Hendrix famously declared, “You’ll never hear surf music again.”) But I’ll leave that for the viewers to judge.


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