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Streaming Media Producer Focus
April 26, 2018

Featured Articles
NAB 2018: Vimeo Talks Livestream Acquisition, Integration
Streaming Media Producer's Shawn Lam and Vimeo's Mark Kornfilt discuss Vimeo's acquisition of Livestream and implications for the Vimeo platform.
NAB 2018: BirdDog Talks Compact NDI Streaming
BirdDog's Dan Miall and Streaming Media Producer's Shawn Lam discuss the benefits of NDI and BirdDog's implementation of the technology in its line of compact streaming solutions.
NAB 2018: Blackmagic Talks ATEM Television Studio Pro 4K
Streaming Media Producer's Shawn Lam and Blackmagic Design's Dan May discuss Blackmagic new Television Studio Pro 4K switcher at NAB 2018.
Sponsored Articles
Tutorial: Live Event Streaming and Videoconferencing with the Telestream Wirecast Gear 230
If you're producing live events at sports venues, house of worship, or any other multi-camera shoots, the Gear 230 gives you all the features and capabilities you'll need to land jobs and satisfy your clients.
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