9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
SM1: Live Broadcasting With Silverlight and Windows Media
This session will cover the end-to-end steps required to encode, manage, and deliver live streaming broadcasts with Silverlight. Learn how to plan the production workflow and organize your Windows Server infrastructure, as well as when to target Silverlight or Windows Media Player. The session will also address such topics as server-side playlists, configuring proxy servers for intranet delivery, distributing your live broadcast via a CDN, techniques for archiving and distributing the event on-demand, and digital rights management.
SM2: Encoding H.264 Video for Streaming and Progressive Download
This seminar focuses on producing H.264 video for streaming or progressive download. It will start with a deep look at key H.264 encoding parameters like B-frames, profiles, and levels, and how to customize encoding parameters for distributing via QuickTime and Flash. After detailing how to operate the H.264-related encoding parameters in tools from Adobe, Apple, Microsoft, Sorenson, and Telestream, it will then provide a brief overview of the respective quality output of these tools. You'll learn how your encoding tool compares in terms of quality and configurability, as well as how to configure your encoding tool for maximum H.264 quality.
Speaker: Jan Ozer, Owner, Streaming Learning Center
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
SM3: Developing a Rich Video Player for the Adobe Flash Platform
Learn to deliver the best video experience by understanding the fundamental parts of building a great video player for Flash. Using ActionScript 3 with Adobe Flash CS4 Professional and Adobe Flash Media Server 3.5, you will learn how to develop for dynamic streaming and DVR functionality while utilizing new quality of service metrics in Flash Player 10. You will also learn tips and tricks on how to encode multi-bitrate video for both live and VOD. Finally, we'll show you how to put all this together with social media features in Flash Media Interactive Server.
SM4: How to Upload, Stream, and Share Using Online Video Tools
This hands-on workshop showcases the latest web based tools (ie YouTube, Livestream, Facebook, blip.tv) for recording, editing, uploading, embedding, and sharing videos. Learn how to stream live video from mobile devices, share HD video content on social networks and how to select the right encoding formats for uploading to popular platforms. This fun and interactive session will allow you to get involved as we shoot, upload, and share videos during the workshop.
9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.
A101: How to Produce Effective Educational Video
This panel gets at the nuts and bolts of effective educational video by watching examples and hearing the producers explain their production strategies. Panelists will discuss in depth how they work with subject matter experts, explain practical production techniques, and reveal the tools used to get optimal results in service of learning goals.
Moderator: Paul Riismandel, Director of Curriculum Support, School of Communication, Northwestern University Speaker: Scott Nadzan, Director, Technology Services, School of Information Studies at Syracuse University Speaker: Richard Bloom, Course-cast Coordinator, UC Berkeley Speaker: Dan Balzer, Training Technology Manager, Retail Learning and Development, BP America Speaker: John Morris, CTO, Director of Operations, Drexel University, College of Computing a
B101: Successful Content Syndication and Aggregation Strategies
This panel will discuss the new ways content owners and site developers are aggregating content and distributing it on the web. See examples of ways to develop niche vertical sites without significantly expanding staffing, and discuss how to reach audiences on social networking sites like Facebook. Learn about some of the new emerging platforms for niche video distribution and best practices for increasing your chances of making money with your content.
Moderator: Jim Louderback, CEO, Revision3 Speaker: Brett Wilson, CEO, TubeMogul Speaker: Vanessa Pappas, Global Head of Audience Development, YouTube Speaker: Tom Gorke, SVP, Content Distribution and Marketing, MTV Networks Speaker: Brandon White, Interactive Manager, FUNimation Entertainment
11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
A102: Streaming Production: Improving Your Video Quality
You've got the video production basics down pat, but you're still concerned that somehow your streaming quality just doesn't measure up. From camera selection to choosing an encoding tool and encoding parameters, streaming consultant Jan Ozer details the most common production pitfalls that unnecessarily degrade streaming quality. Come learn at least three or four ways to make your video look better.
Speaker: Jan Ozer, Owner, Streaming Learning Center
B102: Web Television Comes of Age
Original episodic web television has grown up in a short time and is now recognized as a respected and legitimate entertainment platform. But in our current economic downturn some web television studios have been forced to close and the reality is that it's still really difficult to create a sustainable business model. Some creators say that until the web can provide the reach and a real source of revenue for independent producers, there's no way it will ever truly become the future of TV. In this session, hear from some of the producers in this growing space on what it takes to create, market and sell a web television series as we debate the future success of web television.
Moderator: Marc Hustvedt, Co-Founder, Tubefilter & Editor-in-Chief, Tubefilter News, Tubefilter Speaker: Thom Woodley, Partner, Chief Creative Officer, Dinosaur Diorama Speaker: Jenni Powell, Content and Speaker Coordinator, VidCon Speaker: Brent Friedman, Co-Founder, Electric Farm Entertainment (The Gemini Division, Afterworld) Speaker: Zadi Diaz, Creative Director, Co-Founder, Smashface Productions
1:45 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
A103: Monetization and Video Advertising Formats
For all the buzz about online video advertising, most content owners have yet to be able to turn their online video from cost center to profit center. Still, strong signals suggest that video monetization is around the corner, provided content owners don't pull back in today's tight economy. What will it take to reach that tipping point, and what direct cost and revenue impact will it have on content owners? With all the different ads formats on the web today, which ones have the greatest ability to help content owners monetize content and why?
Moderator: Steve Robinson, President, Panache Speaker: Rafi Mamalian, VP, Innovation Lab, Sinclair, Inc Speaker: Ben Reneker, Senior Analyst, SNL Kagan Speaker: Jim Louderback, CEO, Revision3 Speaker: Joe Wilson, VP, Strategic Product Development, Turner Broadcasting
B103: Exploring Social Media Usage, Business Models and Technologies for the Living Room
From the integration of Facebook and Twitter into Verizon's FiOS to the new viewing party capability in the Xbox Live's Netflix application, there is no doubt that many in the digital home space see the social web's next destination as the TV screen. But will consumers go for it? The consumer's mindset differs greatly on the couch from when they're in their den, so its worth examining in what ways social web can be overlayed onto the video viewing experience to make it compelling and ultimately successful. In this panel, Michael Wolf, VP of Research for GigaOM Pro, will discuss with his panelists how the social web will extend into the living room, while also exploring how social media and real-time web can -if ever - be monetized in a TV context.
Moderator: Michael Wolf, VP, Research, GigaOm Speaker: Jeremy Toeman, Founding Partner, Stage Two Consulting Speaker: Ruchir Rodrigues, VP, Product Platforms Speaker: David Jordan, VP, Marketing, Rovi Corporation Speaker: Itzik Cohen, CEO, Clipsync
2:45 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.
A104: Emerging Use Cases for Enterprise Video Communications
This session features real-world "reels" showcasing emerging use cases of video communications for live all-hands meetings, on-demand post-events, short form CEO and senior executive videos and employee training and information sharing. Other innovative use cases include external opportunities such as customer service, end-user training, and marketing. Attendees will learn how to identify and overcome the perceived inhibitors to adoption; understand the steps to getting started and how to accelerate through them more quickly, along with a variety of specific use cases that can be applied immediately.
Moderator: Eric Armstrong, President, Kontiki, Inc. Speaker: Gregg Moss, SVP, Video and Broadcast, Global Marketing & Corporate Affairs, Bank of America, Knowledge Channel Speaker: Steve Boone, Director, Global Communications, Flowserve Corporation Speaker: Mark Lubeck, Director, Technology & Digital Media, Corporate Communications, Charles Schwab & Co. Speaker: George Levar, Video Service Delivery Lead, Accenture
B104: Video Commerce: The Quiet Revolution in Online Video
While the rest of the online video world was paying attention to ad formats, the death of pre-roll, YouTube's ineffectiveness, and video content monetization, a quiet revolution was brewing in the commerce industry. Using video as a tool to help generate sales enhances conversion rates and redefines the way we shop for and interact with products over the Internet. This panel will explore why video is the next logical step in redefining the way we buy products and services online and showcase what the future holds for the online consumer shopping experience.
Moderator: Justin Foster, Founder, Video Commerce Consortium Speaker: Jason Arend, Director, E-Commerce, PFI Western Speaker: Gerry Johnson, Director of Technology, Home Shopping Network Speaker: Rico Nasol, Content Team Senior Manager, Zappos.com Speaker: Mike Sullivan, Manager of Video Production, Hot Topic
4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
A105: How to Monetize and Protect Flash Streaming Video
With growing volumes of digital video content being distributed over the Internet and downloaded onto computers and devices, media companies face genuine pressure to protect their content and build viable business models - all while minimizing the impact on the user experience. In this session, attendees will gain a broader awareness of the content protection technologies available today on the Adobe Flash Platform. They will leave with the know-how to make more informed decisions regarding content protection, armed with greater knowledge of the content distribution system as well as options and best practices for monetizing premium content, developing secure content workflows, and moving bits securely.
B105: Bridging TV and Broadband and Cutting the Cable
Streaming sites like Hulu, CBS, ABC, and others have proven that savvy audiences are turning to their computers for entertainment, and in a way that's profitable. How are traditional and cutting-edge companies capitalizing on this trend? In addition to providing the content, how are they taking advantage of this "connected" platform as they deliver content? And finally, how will this affect cable companies that are losing subscribers to this new content source?
Moderator: Chris Albrecht, Co-Editor, GigaOM/NewTeeVee Speaker: Nick Chakalos, Senior Director, Strategy and Business Development, Motorola Speaker: Roxanne Austin, CEO, Move Networks Speaker: Michael Bishara, SVP, HBO Broadband Speaker: Andrew Kippen, VP, Marketing, Boxee
5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Exhibit Hall Grand Opening Reception
All attendees and speakers are invited to a networking reception in the Exhibit Hall on Tuesday. Enjoy drinks and hors d’oeuvres while visiting with exhibitors, sponsors, speakers, and fellow attendees.
9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
A201: The Impact Of TV Everywhere And Over-The-Top Video
TV Everywhere is currently construed as a TV-to-PC service. Is this type of online service enough to slow consumer consumption of and defection to over-the-top video services? What more must cable providers do to grab the attention of their subscribers? With OTT services now incorporating HD video, social media, 3D interfaces and even new types of entertainment like 1 versus 100, can TV Everywhere possibly compete?
Moderator: Colin Dixon, Practice Manager, Broadband Media, TDG Speaker: Shalini Pai, Group Manager, Partner Solutions, YouTube, Google TV Speaker: Doug Sylvester, Chief Strategy Officer, Avail-TVN Speaker: Herve Utheza, President, RCDb
B201: Encoding and Player Options for Live Event Broadcasting
Live webcasting involves multiple decisions, but none are more important than choosing the right encoder and distribution platform. This session evaluates multiple software and hardware encoding options from a cost, features and qualitative standpoint and compares the Flash and Silverlight platforms using criteria like cost, CDN support, and features, with case studies of multiple live events using all mentioned products.
Speaker: Jan Ozer, Owner, Streaming Learning Center
11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
A202: Monetizing Long-Form Video
Everyone has heard about ways that online video can be monetized, but has anyone ever heard an actual case study depicting success in video monetization? For all the talk of short-form videos from YouTube and other UGC sites, professionally produced, long-from video content may have the best potential to create sustainable online video monetization. With the rise of Hulu and major syndication deals making long form video more prominent, if not prolific online, what is working today for content owners and portals that want to monetize this format? This session will show actual success stories with actionable takeaways, as well as a discussion of what the future holds for the success of long-form content.
Moderator: Gee Leung, Principal, Inverness Advisors Speaker: Thomas Carpenter, VP Operations, Digital Chief of Staff, EPIX, Studio 3 Partners Speaker: Marty Roberts, Vice President of Sales and Marketing, thePlatform Speaker: Mark Pascarella, CEO, Gotuit Speaker: Matt Weisbecker, VP, Sales, Western Region, NBC Universal Digital Media
B202: Cost Savings From Enterprise Streaming
How will the economic downturn impact streaming adoption in the corporate sector? Years of conclusive statistics show that streaming can offset travel costs, outsourced services and production costs, and the opportunity costs of removing employees from the office for meetings. This session will feature firsthand examples from Fortune 500 organizations of how corporations save money by using streaming to support core communications, training, and educational programs.
Moderator: Michael Newman, VP/GM, Video Content Management, Polycom Speaker: Matt Dunn, Manager, New Media and Studio, Franklin Templeton Investments Speaker: Sharon Hutchins, Director, IT Workforce Productivity, Intuit Speaker: Wayne Waterman, Rich Media Engineer, Intel Corporation
12:30 p.m. - 1:45 p.m.
Lunch Break
sponsored by
Sponsored Boxed Lunch (In the Exhibit Hall)
 The Magic of Open Source Video! Enjoy your complimentary lunch while Supernatural Entertainer, Haim Goldenberg, blows your mind with his video magic. Sponsored by Kaltura, the world’s first open source online video platform.
1:45 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.
A203: HDTV on the Web: Live Broadcasting With Microsoft Smooth Streaming
Learn how Smooth Streaming and Silverlight are delivering on the promise of HDTV-quality experiences on the Web. Covered topics will include end-to-end architecture and workflow, best practices, and review of recent Live Smooth Streaming broadcasts.
Speaker: Mike Moser, Senior Project Manager, Vertigo Speaker: Steven Woodward, Senior Technical Evangelist, Microsoft Corporation
B203: Making Effective Online Video for Training and eLearning
The tools for making video are becoming increasingly accessible and easy to use. But when it comes to providing quality education, simply making video is not enough. To be truly useful, video must not detract from the content, and ideally should enhance it. In this panel experts in the field will discuss methods and tips for producing programs that make the most of online video's advantages in order to create a better learning experience.
Moderator: Patty Perkins, Manager, Desktop Video, Wells Fargo Video Network Speaker: Dan Pryor, VP, Corporate Communications, Safeway Speaker: Greg Befort, Director, Regional Public Safety Training Center Speaker: Bob Donlon, SVP, GM West Coast, WRECKINGBALL Media Group Speaker: Octavio Heredia, Director, Extended Education, Arizona State University
3:00 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.
A204: CDN Pricing: The Going Rate for Video Delivery
With more CDN players in the market than ever before, trying to figure out what you should pay for delivering video can still be quite complex. This presentation will offer real pricing numbers from large, global content delivery networks and show you the average going rate when you outsource delivery to a third party. The session will also cover some of the variables that determine the final price, how you can accurately compare the delivery services of one CDN to another, and give you a list of providers in the market today.
Speaker: Dan Rayburn, Streaming Media Magazine's European Edition
B204: Webcasting Tips and Tricks From the Enterprise
This session will focus on presentations from three enterprise corporations who have adopted and implemented online video across their organization. See first hand how these companies are using video for internal and external communications and learn how you can better leverage assets already available inside your company. Hear first hand from those who have been successful with their deployments and learn what advice their have for others deploying video in the enterprise today.
Speaker: Eric Hards, Creative Director, Space, Lockheed Martin Speaker: Greg Posten, Manager, Media Infrastructure and Technology, Sun Microsystems
4:15 p.m. - 5:15 p.m.
A205: Understanding Adaptive Bitrate Technology and HTTP Video Delivery
Adaptive bitrate encoding methods are gaining traction in the industry as Apple, Adobe and Microsoft have all recently started offering new ways to encode and deliver video, including via HTTP. But what does that mean for the average content owner who is trying to figure out the best way to improve the viewing experience? In this session, you'll hear directly from some of the platform providers and content owners themselves to see how this technology is impacting their content offerings and plans. We'll also get their guidance on best practices, cost and overhead considerations, and real impact to their users - and the bottom line.
Moderator: Matt Smith, Executive Director, Business Development & Strategy, Comcast Technology Solutions Speaker: Joe Inzerillo, SVP, MLB.com Speaker: Gerry Johnson, Director of Technology, Home Shopping Network Speaker: Adam Comey, President, Mountain Sports International Speaker: Steven Sabonjohn, Director, Digital Media Engineering, NBC Universal
B205: The Impact of Broadband-Enabled TVs, Gaming Consoles and Devices
With the number of new broadband-enabled TVs and Blu-ray players expected to be sold, along with devices such as the Xbox, Roku, TiVo, and PS3, consumers now have many ways to get their video fix. So what are the new business models that will be created from these new devices? What hurdles need to be overcome so that content can be monetized for multiple platforms? Explore with this panel the role of current consumer entertainment devices in this new convergent world and how these devices will play together to offer a superior video experience.
Moderator: Paul Alfieri, VP, Communications, Marketing, Limelight Networks Speaker: Mitch Berman, CEO, ZillionTV Speaker: Evan Young, Senior Director, Product Marketing, TiVo Speaker: Matthew McRae, VP, Products, Vizio Speaker: Jim Funk, VP, Business Development, Roku
9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.
A301: Integrate Streaming Video in Flash for Your Enterprise
Learn how to leverage video in Flash within your enterprise, including how to create an encoding portal and publish with Flash Media Server, and implementing access controls to protect with LDAP and Active Directory. This session will introduce how the Adobe Flash Platform can help increase view times, employee attention and reduce costs. Step though deploying, configuring and monitoring Flash Media Server within your network and implement a publishing system for live and recorded media.
B301: Telcos and the Future of CDNs
This session will be an open discussion highlighting some of the growing trends in the CDN market and examining how the business of content delivery will change over the coming years. Does cloud computing have any real impact? Will all video delivery eventually become commoditized? Will enough applications be built in the ecosystem to support rapid content monetization? Come debate where the market is going, where the real opportunities are and what the disruptors will be, good and bad, for the CDN industry moving forward.
Moderator: Dan Rayburn, Streaming Media Magazine's European Edition Speaker: Tal Saraf, GM, Amazon CloudFront Speaker: Andres Jordan, VP, Innovation, International Carrier Sales and Solutions, Deutsche Telekom North America Speaker: David Siegel, VP, IP Services, Product Management, Global Crossing Telecommunications Speaker: Stephen Condon, Founder, Roogle Marketing
11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
A302: Live Broadcasts and HD Video: Can Web Video Ever Scale to TV-Sized Audiences?
Last year we saw a big uptick in the number of high profile, large-scale live events on the web. Most weren't offered in HD, and the debate still remains whether the Internet is even capable of supporting live events with the kind of traffic seen from TV broadcasts. We'll explore this discussion from all angles-technology, infrastructure, and quality-to get a feel for what the barriers are and when we can expect to see more large-scale live events delivered in HD.
Moderator: Dan Rayburn, Streaming Media Magazine's European Edition Speaker: Arielle Sumits, Senior Analyst, IP Traffic Measurement and Forecasting, Cisco Speaker: Mark Taylor, VP, Content and Media, Level 3 Communications, LLC Speaker: Cynthia Boedihardjo, Senior Technical Producer, YouTube
B302: Going Mobile: Is Portable Media Finally Here?
With the latest iPhones, Blackberry's and Palm Pre's focusing on video applications, is portable streaming finally getting ready for prime time? How is the streaming industry developing and repurposing content for mobile streaming and what will the business models look like? What will drive the adoption of mobile internet usage, and what are consumers willing to pay? Come hear what opportunities exist today for content owners and operators, as well as how the business of mobile video will change in the future.
Moderator: Jerry Rocha, VP, Mobile Media, Nielsen Online Speaker: John Paul, Executive Vice President, Products, Sling Media Speaker: Maria Buck, Strategic Partner Relationship Manager, AP Speaker: Paul Scanlan, President, Co-Founder, MobiTV Speaker: Francisco Varela, Head of Wireless Partnerships, YouTube
2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
A303: How Old Media Is Embracing Online Video and New Media
This session will discuss how converging media technologies are redefining traditional distribution methods; how interactive and on-demand services are changing; and how entertainment and news video is being consumed. Come hear from some of the leading publishers, broadcasters, and advertisers about the impact that video and new media is having upon their business models.
Moderator: Will Coghlan, Co-Founder, Senior Producer, Hudson Street Media Speaker: Gerald Abrahamian, VP, Digital Operations, NBCUniversal - E! Speaker: Caleb Silver, Director, Business News, CNN Speaker: Jim Heckman, Founder, CEO, 5to1.com