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3 Digital and Media Predictions for 2016: Anticipate the Shifts

The marketing world is at a pivot point, so now is a good time to take stock of where it's going. Marketing agency Millward Brown has once again created a guide to the year ahead, and we present three of its key media predictions here.

Brands Will Waste Billions by Failing to Adapt Video Creative Across Formats

PredictionsScreens Media PredictionsTo understand that waste, consider the media landscape in the year ahead. Mobile use will increase so that it's the majority of online video traffic. While video is booming, so is the use of ad-blockers. Advertisers can choose how they want to pay for ads, such as cost per impression (CPM), per video start, per view (CPV), for 10 seconds of viewing, or for completed plays. To make those payment options successful, brands need to plan appropriate creatives ahead of time. They need to create assets that will hook the viewer from the first seconds. When brands simply repurpose TV spots and ignore those new requirements, they'll waste their budgets.

Connected TV Viewing Won't Kill Traditional TV Viewing (Yet)

Watching television on connected TVs or through set-top boxes offers advantages to viewers and advertisers alike. Viewers can get the shows they want on-demand, on their own schedule. Advertisers can target households they want to reach. So will this lead to a decline in traditional TV viewing and advertising? Not in 2016. Problems with measurement, limited inventory, and precise targeting will remain, and viewers won't move en masse from linear viewing. TV ads are safe, but the first signs of that shift could begin in 2016.

Brands Will Adopt Context-Based Marketing

In 2016, the smart marketer will separate online video, social, search, streaming music, gaming, and other types of online content by the way people use them, not by the platform themselves. They'll understand which channels require active use and which are lean-back forms of entertainment. They'll look at which environments can help further their brand objectives.

For more media predictions, view Millward Brown's full report for free (no registration required). It's a fascinating read.

Troy Dreier's article first appeared on OnlineVideo.net

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