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Boeing Demonstrates the Cost Benefits of Enterprise Webcasting

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What webcast professionals need is a formula to demonstrate to management how much less expensive webcasts are than face-to-face meetings. Offering such a formula along with plenty of real-world advice was Darrell Prowse, webcast producer and director for Boeing, speaking at the recent Streaming Media East conference in New York City. It's possible to put a dollar figure on webcasts, Prowse said.

"They're really big on distance communications," Prowse said of his employer. "Global Boeing has 170,000 employees in all 50 states and 70 countries. In addition, we have thousands of suppliers that supply parts for all sorts of military and commercial products. We have to have constant communications between the company -- the mother ship -- and all these suppliers and employees. Using distance communication has been a big part of the company for a number of years. That's how we've been able to stay a viable, profitable company for so long."

When Prowse talks about webcasts, he's speaking from experience:

"We did 175 so far this year. Last year, we did 444 webcasts. Of 170,000 employees, we had 145,000 log-ons in the live thing. This is what is interesting that you can't get from server logs: We had 184,000 viewers. So it's 40,000 more than what the server logs would indicate, because all they can do is track computers. We ask them how many people, so it tells us that there's another 10,000," Prowse said. "Since 2006, when we first started this tool, we've had 2,500 webcasts with a total of 1,297,000 viewers."

To learn how Boeing saves money with webcasts and what the formula is for computing webcast savings, watch the full video below and download Prowse's presentation.


The Cost Benefits of Enterprise Webcasting

If you've been struggling to demonstrate the value of your webcasts in measurable terms, this session is for you. The audience for this presentation will take away a working formula that computes the real cost benefit of a webcast. Learn how to collect and measure data that can be used to justify corporate webcast efforts. Attendees will learn how to measure the benefits of using viewer registration, webcast scheduling, total webcast cost avoidance, viewer analysis, and webcast funding.

Speaker: Darrell Prowse, Webcast Producer/Director, The Boeing Company

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