
Case Study: Speeding Video Delivery to the Filipino Diaspora

Optimization solutions that are typically implemented on network equipment located where the servers are can take many minutes to adapt to changes in routing tables, particularly when attempting to track thousands of connections over hundreds of thousands of routes.

The EdgeStream VDN is format/codec agnostic and can support most formats, DRM systems and the client software can be embedded in Set Top Boxes and other display devices.

The Results
"ABS has started an IPTV service and currently has about 20,000 subscribers,", says ABS-CBNi’s Olives. "Right now we are using a set-top box with H.264 using another provider. Although that service is good, we are interested in lowering our costs and are looking to test an EdgeStream-enabled STB with Windows Media so that our encoding people do not have to duplicate the encoding effort in H.264 and WMV."

Dennis Lim, ABS-CBNi’s head of video transcoding operations, says that "EdgeStream’s technical staff has been very supportive of our demands and looking at ways to improve the quality of service for our viewers. They suggested we start using VBR encoding instead of CBR, as it provides a much better quality and will lower our bandwidth consumption by 15%; we are now encoding all our WM videos in VBR, the quality is definitely better and our viewers have commended this initiative. Not only are we streaming better quality videos, we are also saving money using the EdgeStream VDN."

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