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DBG Offers Turnkey Syndication for Content Creators

Earlier this month, the Digital Broadcasting Group (DBG) announced that it has introduced a syndication platform for small and large publishers to monetize their videos across multiple, related sites.

This is an extension of DBG's current broad-reaching syndication platform for its own stable of branded content. 

With the new offering, small and large publishers will be able to syndicate via DBG and split incremental revenue with DBG and the sites where the content appears.  DBG sells most of the ad inventory with its dedicated sales staff of 30.

In an original twist, DBG is allowing premium publishers to use the syndication platform "themselves," meaning they can monetize their syndication with their own ad sales, explains Matthew Corbin, Chief Product Officer in this interview

Corbin, former head of media partnerships at Google, joined DBG earlier this year.

Scroll down for the full interview.

[This is used courtesy of Beet.TV.]

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