Danni.com Web site statistics
Jan 2001 Statistics, www.danni.com
Current subscribers ……………………......... 29,000
Current subscription rate …………………….. $19.95 (soon to be $24.95)
Danni's Hard Drive (free site): 7.2 million hits/day; 474,000 page views; 82,000 unique visits.
Danni's HotBOX (the pay site): 4.3 million hits/day, 330,000 page views and 33,000 unique visits.
Revenue Breakdown
2000 ………......…………………….. approaching $7 million
2001 (projected) …………………….. $8 million
94 percent subscription
1.4 percent merchandise sales
1.6 percent technical services (hosting, credit card processing, etc.)
3 percent studio rentals and ancillary sales
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