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Post Office Deliveries Now Include Mobile Video to Employees

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Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stops the U.S. mail, and it certainly doesn't stop the post office from delivering video to its employees. At the recent Streaming Media West conference in Huntington Beach, California, David Stravach, communications specialist for online solutions at the U.S. Postal Service, explained that delivering internal video to employees requires understanding the employees' needs.

"I think the key is defining what is mobile," Stravach said. "It depends on the audience, too. Sure, I'll watch Netflix at home on my iPhone and I won't have a problem with it, but will I really go to work and pull out my iPhone at my desk and watch an employee message? You have to be realistic about where you want to place mobile and what mobile is."

Is the iPad a mobile device? Of course it is. But for U.S.P.S. employees, it's not used in the field.

"From a corporate communications point of view we all need to accept in the enterprise iPads are not mobile," Stravach explained. "iPads are replacing laptops. If you're an executive and you go, 'Well, why can't the video play on my iPad?' There's an obvious use reason for that. Getting it back to technologists, we all know why iPads are mobile, but the real key is to make some of those determinations and decisions on what is mobile for which audience and how do you get to those people."

For more enterprise video strategies, watch the panel discussion below.


Content Management Strategies for Enterprise Content Platforms

With video rapidly growing as a medium for communication across all areas of the enterprise—marketing, training, collaboration, compliance—how can you take advantage of your existing investments in content management, knowledge management, and search platforms to make video a first-class content asset? This panel discusses and recommends best practices for helping ensure your videos can be found, shared, and watched in the right context and within the platforms already in use today.

Moderator: Tom Wilde, CEO - Ramp
Mark Daniel, Manager, Media and Entertainment Industry, Americas Sales - NetApp
Al Falaschi, Customer Marketing Manager - Widen Enterprises
David Stravach, Communications Specialist, Online Solutions - United States Postal Service
Scott Lawson, Director of IT Architecture - QAD

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