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Video Marketing Power Summit '18: The Speaker Lineup Is Set

Marketers know there's no shortage of marketing and advertising conferences in New York City. So why add another one? Because none of the existing shows has the vision and scale of the Video Marketing Power Summit (VMPS). And marketers love vision and scale.

Video Marketing Power SummitThe VMPS is part of the legendary Streaming Media East conference, now celebrating its 20th year by widening its scope to include the entire online video ecosystem. VMPS is both a standalone event and part of Streaming Media East. It offers attendees a deep dive into the topic they care most about, as well as a wide-angle view of the whole playing field. No other conference comes even close to matching this.

The theme of the VMPS conference is "Pivot Point," because this is the point where the industry springs into the future, taking what it has learned and making big things happen in a hurry.

We're thrilled to announce that the speaker lineup is now set. There's no filler here: Every speaker is world class, and we're thrilled to present them.

  • Start the day with kickoff conversations from Google (Andrew Tucker, Manager, New Partner Development North America) and Teads (Jim Daily, Global President) on what the future promises for online video marketing.

  • Join the IAB (Eric John, Deputy Director), Discovery Communications (Lauri Baker, SVP, Head of Digital Ad Sales & Solutions), GroupM (Joe Barone, Managing Partner, Brand Safety Americas), and MadHive (Christiana Cacciapuoti, VP of Partnerships & Platform Operations) for a panel discussion on brand safety, viewability, fraud, Ads.txt, and blockchain.

  • Hear Mashable (Michael Williams, Branded Content, Creative Director), Ryot Studio (Kathryn Friedrich, Chief Business Officer), Turner (Christine Cook, Senior Vice President and Chief Revenue Officer of News Digital), and Epic Signal (Brendan Gahan, Founder) discuss boundary-pushing branded video storytelling.

  • Learn from Vimeo (Harris Beber, CMO), The Trade Desk (Kathleen Comer, Vice President, Client Services), and YuMe (Todd Johnson, VP of Emerging Technology) how to run a cross-screen video campaign.

  • Experience AR, VR, and 360° video with Oath (Christian Egeler, COO Envrmnt AR/VR), Meredith Corporation (Mia Tramz, Managing Editor, LIFE VR), and Dig Down Media (Ian Busching, Founder and CEO) .

  • Get absolutely new, never before revealed research from Nielsen (Eric Ferguson, Vice President, Client Consulting) and Trustworthy Accountability Group (Rachel Nyswander Thomas, Senior Vice President of Operations and Public Policy) on video marketing.

Attendees will get all that plus a closing keynote from Google Android/Play on how to reach consumers in the connected living room, and a chance to network with hundreds of their peers.

"A funny thing happened when planning the Video Marketing Power Summit," explains Troy Dreier, VMPS conference chair and the editor of video marketing site OnlineVideo.net. "I thought, 'I'm just going to ask the best people I know. No harm there. If they turn me down, I can go to the B-list or C-list, but I'm going to start with the best.' And then all the best said yes! I've never seen a lineup this strong. I'm thrilled to present this conference to the video marketing community."

The full VMPS conference schedule is online, so attendees can see exactly who will be there. There's no "To be announced" here. VMPS offers the most impressive speakers from the leading video marketing companies, and we're thrilled to show that off.

To convince you to come, we've got a discount code for you. Use code TD18 to get $100 off the price of a Video Marketing Power Summit conference pass.

So is there now one more video marketing conference in New York City? Nope, now there's only one.

The Video Marketing Power Summit takes place at the New York Hilton Midtown on May 9.

Troy Dreier's article first appeared on OnlineVideo.net

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