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Ten Tips for Getting Your Video Content on as Many Devices as Possible

(For more detail, see the article "How to Get Your Content on (Almost) Every Device")

Ten Tips for Getting Your Content on Maximum Devices

  1.     Develop tech-agnostic apps and sites that serve as many platforms and devices as possible.
  2.     Embrace open source approaches such as HTML5.
  3.     Keep serving popular formats such as Adobe Flash, even as you add other formats such as Microsoft Silverlight and HTML5 video.
  4.     Develop apps and sites that are optimized for specific devices.
  5.     Encode your video to be optimized for mobile playback, and use streaming technology that adapts the bitrate to limit the disruptions during playback.
  6.     Stay current on technology trends.
  7.     Be flexible in all regards.
  8.     Promote standardization through your apps and with other developers.
  9.     Stay focused on quality and user satisfaction.
  10.     Tailor your apps and sites to their intended audiences.

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