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TiVo: With So Much Content, Easy Discoverability Is Key

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Choice is no longer the problem; finding relevant content is. That was the message of Tara Maitra, senior vice president of content and media sales at TiVo, talking at the recent Streaming Media East conference in New York City. Viewers have more options than ever before, but having too much choice is also a burden.

"The real challenge for companies in this space is…the user experience and search-and-discovery of content," Maitra said. "I think anyone can agree, even if you look at your own video TV experience at home and the devices that you have, there's really no shortage of content, there's no shortage of choice. So the challenge used to be you want to give the consumer choice and control. I think we have choice and control, but now we have so much content we don't necessarily have the best way to find it. With so much content out there, consumers will still say there's nothing to watch on television, and part of that is just because you might have Comcast as your provider and have hundreds of thousands of hours of content and you don't even know it's there."

The solution is to improve how consumers search on content and view the results. The people at TiVo have been successful in delivering useful, integrated listings.

"What we focused on at TiVo, and I think it's important for other companies in the space to focus on, is bringing that user experience so that whatever you're searching for for content, you can get the search results that are related to linear television, maybe cable VOD, maybe over-the-top content. What we focused on at TiVo is trying to simplify that experience so that there's one user interface, one search mechanism, one discovery process, one remote control, and overall that can lead to a better consumption experience and ultimately improves the revenue model for advertising down the road," Maitra added.

For more on content discovery, watch the full video below.


Content Discovery in a Multi-Platform World

With the advent of connected devices, 2nd-screen remote control apps, smart TVs, and other devices for viewing video, how does a consumer find what to watch? From traditional TV grids to new views of what is most popular or most social, how will the television discovery experience change? Will the difference between TV shows or videos that are live, VOD, DVR, and from OTT continue to be blurred in the eyes of the viewer? Come hear who will win and who will lose in this unbundled non-linear world and what the new business models look like.

Moderator: Richard Glosser, President, Hilltop Digital
Speaker: Tom Wilde, CEO, RAMP
Speaker: Tara Maitra, SVP, GM, Content and Media Sales, TiVo
Speaker: JR McCabe, SVP, Video, Time Inc.
Speaker: Meghann Erlhoul, VP Analytics and Research, Trendrr

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