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Using OTT Workflows to Create Live-to-VOD Assets

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In this session, industry experts share how they've been able to launch live-to-VOD services without a complete overhaul of infrastructure by applying software-defined video solutions to easily migrate from one type of scenario to another. Panelists describe how they use OTT workflows to create catch-up TV assets across existing broadband infrastructures. Among other tips, they share how they've employed JIT packaging for workflow simplification, cost reduction, and content production and how they're combining embedded encryption and decryption with JIT DRM wrapping.

Moderator: Aslam Khader, Chief Product Officer - Elemental Technologies
Corey Smith, Senior Service Engineering Manager - Xbox Live
Victor Borachuk, Owner, Director, Executive Producer - JupiterReturn
David Adams, CFO - EverSport Media


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