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Video: movingimage Provides a Secure Environment for Video Content Management

Tim: Welcome back to Streaming Media East 2017. The end of the second day and I have with me Oliver Jaeger, who is with a company called movingimage. Now Oliver, you said you are only recently with the company. What is your title with the company?

Oliver: My title is Vice President, Global Marketing Communications.

Tim: Global Marketing, okay. I understand movingimage is an enterprise video platform. Is that correct?

Oliver: Exactly, yeah. We are really focused on the enterprise with all their different requirements that they have as opposed to all of the video platforms.

Tim: Okay. If I think about enterprise video platforms, traditionally those have been something that would go on-premise, meaning that they would actually be within the organization behind the firewall. Are you offering on-premise and cloud, or cloud only?

Oliver: We are a cloud-only solution. That's what our customers are requesting. In fact, we just recently moved over to Azure with our offering.

Tim: Interesting. What are some of the features that you have within movingimage?

Oliver: movingimage is a best of three offerings. So, really, you can pick and choose what you need for organization. So, it's not a suite solution where you have to go with the player that the company is offering, or the analytics the company is offering, but you can really pick and choose what fits best for your company.

We call ourselves a secure enterprise video platform. What really differentiates us to the other vendors is that we are providing a secure environment so we can really fine granular, rights and rules, management to really allow people to manage the video content.

Tim: Are movingimage’s customers primarily in Europe, in the US, global?

Oliver: We have global customers. Global corporations that we have like Volkswagen. Bayer is one of our customers.

Tim: Okay.

Oliver: It is usually companies that are all around the world and have different requirements that really the initial corporations have. We have been focusing on those kind of customers.

Tim: Okay. The two customers that you mentioned there are German companies that moved out from there. Do you have multinational that are based on other countries as well?

Oliver: No, that is where we are working right now. We just got some funding recently for the US expansion.We are in the process of hiring staff over here. So, head of sales and support.

Tim: Is this the first Streaming Media show for the company?

Oliver: That's the first one that we are doing for it.

Tim: Okay, very good. So, it is nice to be in New York because, obviously, New York's a large financial hub and head a lot of companies as well.

Oliver: Yes. Financial companies are really also one of the companies that we are dealing with a lot. All the security we are offering in our solution. Now with all of the different access that the need.

Tim: Right. Right, right, right. All right, very good. Again, Oliver Jaeger from movingimage. A secure enterprise video platform. I'm Tim Siglin, contributing editor with Streaming Media. We'll be right back.

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