
Connected TV Ad Requests Up 300% Over 3 Years, Says Videology

Viewers are streaming premium content to their internet-connected televisions, and video marketers have taken notice. Video advertising technology company Videology has released its Q2 2017 U.S. TV and Video Market at-a-Glance report, and it sees dramatic increases in connected TV (CTV) viewing and advertising.

Videology found a strong increase in connected TV ad requests.

Looking at data from the Videology platform, it found CTV ad requests up 300 percent from the first half of 2016 to the first half of 2017. Marketers are responding to that living room streaming by including CTV in their cross-screen campaigns: 93 percent of campaigns on the platform were cross-screen and over half of all streaming video campaigns included CTV. Also, the number of advertisers running campaigns solely on CTV increased by 21 percent from last year.

The report also looks at how video marketers target their viewers. Demographic targeting was used by every campaign, followed by geo targeting used by 86 percent and behavioral targeting at 63 percent. View-through rate (VTR) was the most common campaign objective (60 percent) followed by viewability (41 percent).

Videology saw heavy interest in linear TV, with campaign spending increasing 150 percent from the previous quarter. One-fourth of advanced TV campaigns used their own first-party data, while the rest used other data. Those using first-party data primarily targeted food and drink, health and fitness, and auto segments.

"It's no surprise to us that advanced TV advertising grew quarter-over-quarter in Q2 2017, because advertisers are seeing the results of applying advanced data to linear TV buys—ultimately combining the reach of TV with the targeting of digital," says Scott Ferber, CEO and founder of Videology. "Also, more and more advertisers are seeing the benefit of using their own first-party data for targeting—impressions on our platform using first-party data grew 50 percent in Q2 2017 since 2016."

For more stats, view the full report for free (no registration required).

Troy Dreier's article first appeared on OnlineVideo.net

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