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Video: Does Today's Online Video and OTT Landscape Favor Content Creators?

In this clip from their panel discussion at Streaming Media West 2016, Plex CEO Keith Valory, Anatomy Media Executive Director Gabriella Mirabelli, and MLB Advanced Media SVP discuss the challenges content creators face in an online/OTT media market with a diverse array of outlets for their work that nonetheless remains not nearly as producer-friendly as it could be.

Learn more about OTT sports at Streaming Media East.

Read the complete transcript of this clip:

Keith Valory, Plex: If it becomes a producer-led world, can technologies provide safer and more transparent platforms that make it easy for that to connect brand dollars and advertising dollars directly to the content creators and get content out there ...

Gabriella Mirabelli, Anatomy Media:
Ideally. Ideally, yes. They can do one or two shows and they can be amazing. For instance, I was talking to Traci Johnson who created Blue's Clues. Huge, huge success. She's like, "Oh my God, I can make my show by myself now with the great technology." It was really, really hard. YouTube isn't interested because she doesn't have an existing following. She has shows on Amazon, she had shows on PBS. Blue's Clues and still it's not there because even with that level of background track record, the discovery piece, that last bit, is owned by these people that they can really pump it out. To go to how does discovery change, I think we're seeing a reemergence, a renaissance of traditional PR where you're getting placed, articles written, things like that that becomes more important. The way people respond to social cues, their friends are the most important recommendation, and then real people rather than traditional promotion.

Roger Williams, MLB Advanced Media: I think it's actually two phases going on right now. I feel like it's pretty much high time for content creators because you have so many different, even though this one story doesn't tell us a great tale, but ...

Gabriella Mirabelli, Anatomy Media: I don't know if I'd buy it.

Roger Williams, MLB Advanced Media: At least you can conceivably option to different networks, or the migratory pattern of having your YouTube channel and then migrating to a more traditional network option. I do feel like there is a coming second wave of consolidation to where at least cash on hand ... The largest that an Apple or an Amazon can bring to actually make their presence known in a content aggregation platform to play is fundamentally larger just start market cap to straight cash on hand. Engineering horsepower, execution potential, that is actually ... I wouldn't call it existential, but it does represent another way of consolidation that can conceivably happen. That you can conceivably get to a point where there are a few number of content aggregation platforms, as opposed to the wide disparate Wild West notion that we have right now.

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