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Video: How to Personalize Branded Content

In this clip from the Streaming Media West 2016 panel "Using Analytics to Create Better Content & Personalize the End-User Experience," Hollywoodland's Christopher Roselli discusses the varied challenges of distilling and interpreting analytics for brands, artists, and content creators looking to use that data to leverage social media and create better one-to-one experiences with online and OTT video.

Learn more about OTT personalization at Streaming Media East.

Read the complete transcript of this video:

Christopher Roselli, Hollywoodland: We find out a way for the brands and the content creators to reach the audience. Obviously with the analytics that are provided out there right now, we can find some type of engagement or some type of interest in things, but in the content creation it's not just about one party creating. It's about the brands involved in that content and branded content. It's about the artist involved in that and finding ways to attach everything into the social media ecosphere as well, and bring all of that attention into one space.

Whether it be a brand, whether it be an artist, whether it be a content creator, everybody has to see things in a different way. Sometimes it does get really intimidating when you have a sheet of analytics. We have to package it up in a certain way to artists. We have to package it up in a different way to brands. They have different intent on what they're really looking for. We really have to simplify everything and put it in a format to where it's all understandable but it all communicates. Because they're all really after the same thing.

We're all after the one to one experience. The brands are after the one to one experience. So are the artists and so are the content creators. I think there are amazing professionals that are amazingly successful. When it's on a larger level or a smaller level, the churn on the larger level seems to be bigger, but when you create specific content for specific audiences you get real engagements. I think that that's probably the most important thing, is what we're after, is the one-to-one experience. How do we attach to an individual?

Speaker 1:           We find out a way for the brands and the content creators to reach the audience. Obviously with the analytics that are provided out there right now, we can find some type of engagement or some type of interest in things, but in the content creation it's not just about one party creating. It's about the brands involved in that content and branded content. It's about the artist involved in that and finding ways to attach everything into the social media ecosphere as well, and bring all of that attention into one space. Whether it be a brand, whether it be an artist, whether it be a content creator, everybody has to see things in a different way. Sometimes it does get really intimidating when you have a sheet of analytics. We have to package it up in a certain way to artists. We have to package it up in a different way to brands. They have different intent on what they're really looking for. We really have to simplify everything and put it in a format to where it's all understandable but it all communicates. Because they're all really after the same thing.

                                We're all after the one to one experience. The brands are after the one to one experience. So are the artists and so are the content creators. I think there are amazing professionals that are amazingly successful. When it's on a larger level or a smaller level, the churn on the larger level seems to be bigger, but when you create specific content for specific audiences you get real engagements. I think that that's probably the most important thing, is what we're after, is the one to one experience. How do we attach to an individual? 

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