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Video: Lecture Capture and Streaming Workflows in Higher Education

In this excerpt from a Streaming Media West 2016 panel, Duke University Senior Media Engineer Todd Stabley explains 4 workflows currently used at Duke for various operations, including an expanding live sports video program and a central lecture capture initiative that encompasses more than 120 classrooms with recordings of 100 classes per day.

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Todd Stabley: We've got, I would say, four workflows that I just wanted to highlight. The first is we have a pretty large central lecture capture initiative at Duke. We've been doing that since 2005. That's a big piece of how we do streaming. That happens through appliances. They're installed in about 120 classrooms. We do a huge volume of recording, upwards of maybe a hundred classes a day during the peak of the semester. That's one big piece. The goal of that one is pure automation. The instructors need to be able to walk into a room, basically they could plug in and have what they're showing on the projector and a video of them captured automatically and end-to-end it's just seamless for them.

The second workflow is more of a self-service approach where they're using software, cameras, and iOS devices to create video and need a place to publish it. For that, primarily we use a tool called WarpWire which is a replacement for us. We used Kaltura previously. We were looking for something that had what we call asset-level security where Kaltura didn't have that. We wanted to be able to take these videos and have this be more of a publishing engine then a destination where you'd log into a single portal and have your stuff there. We wanted to be able to put all of these videos in various systems so they can see under the display section there and have it preserve the integration with our identity management system.

We worked with this local company, and basically built this from the ground up. It's been running for about two years now. They've got interest in all sorts of other schools. I think Stanford's using it and Yale. It's getting pretty popular and we're real excited with how that's going. That's kind of how we handled the on-demand publishing piece.

We have live streaming and various ways that we do that. Panopto is our lecture capture provider. They do that for some of the courses. We use Wowza Streaming Server or Media Engine now. It's hard keeping up with your terms Chris. That handles basically the catch all for various events. I wanted to mention, we do a lot of IP camera streams from our Wowza server. It seems to be a really big niche for us.

Duke Athletics did a big renovation recently of our Wallace Wade football stadium. It had seven cameras going for the duration of that. We streamed over a petabyte of data, mostly through that. We also have a presence on the coast for the Marine Lab and they have two cameras. We're seeing a lot of interest in IP camera streaming with a lot of it.

The fourth one I don't have up here, but it's kind of like a bespoke media production and streaming service. We do a lot with MOOC's now at Duke, massively open online courses. Online learning is just becoming bigger and bigger. In the past we had had faculty help them create their own videos for these, but the production values weren't great so we've switched to having a professional team of people actually produce this video for them. That's kind of a newer initiative for us.

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