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Video: Streaming and VOD Workflows for K-12 Video

K-12 video in general and video produced at and for high schools in particular present unique challenges, particularly when the school's media department needs to develop distinct workflows for VOD production and for live event streaming delivery such as football or theatrical productions. In this excerpt from a panel discussion at Streaming Media West 2016, Argo Community High School Media Specialist Nicholas Berrios walks viewers through workflows he's developed for both VOD and live streaming.

Learn more about K-12 video streaming at Streaming Media East.

Read the complete transcript of this video:

Nicholas Berrios: At the high school level the two main scenarios that we're dealing with are video-on-demand through our learning management system which we use Canvas, either if it's a captured lecture of the teacher, or just supplemental video that students are going to watch at home to prepare to discuss it the next day in class.

There are also our live events. Football is pretty big for live streaming but then also concerts, graduation, things like that. We've got two main streaming setups. This would be more the video on demand or the flipped classroom set up that we have. We've got a few cameras that we would either record a lecture or if there's content that we're not creating ourselves, maybe there's a clip of a video that a teacher wants, work out from that through a Blackmagic card and then editing everything and final cut.

Then we purchased Kaltura as a service to help us, one, integrate into Canvas, and really the main driver behind that was we wanted something that's going to give us automatic adaptive bitrates because we know that our students may not necessarily have the best technology or the bandwidth at home, and we want to reach them wherever we can. So if that is their mobile device on a cellular network, we want to make sure everyone's having the same experience across the board.

Then that goes out from Kaltura to either, if we want it password-protected we want it behind something, it's going to go into Canvas where teachers can share it with their students, or we'll put it on our website, or Kaltura also provides what's called media space which is almost a personally branded YouTube for our students.

So that's for video on demand and then with live streaming which I think is the next slide, pretty similar. We're using a Teradek Cube to encode everything and then that's going again directly to Kaltura and then from there we are pushing it out. If it's a football game it's probably going to go to High School Cube which is now I think just The Cube. I think they may have dropped the High School from it recently.

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