Video: The Current State of AV1 and VVC
Learn more about emerging codecs at Streaming Media's next event.
Watch Christian Feldman's complete presentation, VES104. AV1/VVC Update, in the Streaming Media Conference Video Portal.
Read the complete transcript of this clip:
Christian Feldman: So the current state of AV1: The standard is frozen so now so the vendors are open to implement decoders, encoders, and all of the technologies. There's a lot of software stuff going on. Of course the libaom is there, but there's also David, SVT-AV1 and rav1e. Of course, there are other non-open source projects, a lot of manufacturers mentioned that they are also working on technologies. But of course that is not open source, and we can't really take a look into that.
A lot of support is now there. Chrome and Firefox does support it. There's a YouTube page you can just go to and watch AV1 videos if you want to. VLC, FFmpeg has support for it. Also in operating systems and in hardware, of course this is all still in beta, but most of the companies are working on this.
There is, however, no wide adoption of this yet. Actually I would've been surprised if, you know, it's a little over a year now. For video codecs it always takes time, until there's a wider adoption of it, but it's going. It's starting, and it's looking good.
For VVC, of course, there's only one reference software implementation yet. The standardization is still going on. There's also no adoption yet, of course. The standardization is still in progress. The reference software, as I said, is open source, and all of the documents. So if you want to take a look at that, please go ahead. It's all on GitLab.
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