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2021 Will See Diversification in Platforms, App Stores, and Revenue Models

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After a disruptive year which forced many businesses to adapt in a major way, we see the shift to streaming services continue in 2021. There is no sign of the growth of our industry slowing down. That said, just as businesses had to adapt by shifting to streaming, the OTT and streaming providers will have to adapt as well, re-inventing themselves continuously. I predict this will be true for 2021 as well. Those who innovate will win. The copy-cats will have to catch up and keep up.

While 2020 was intense to the brink of exhaustion in terms of facilitating an influx of new customers, 2021 will be no year to lean back and relax. Instead, this year will keep us on the edge of our seats as we anticipate new market requirements and changes in consumer behavior, which affect our customers, the publishers.

We also see a continuous trend diversification among content creators and media publishers: diversification in platforms, devices, app-stores and audiences, and diversification in revenue models. If 2020 taught us anything, it is never to “keep all our eggs in one basket”, and this is true for media publishers in regards to platforms, sites, apps and properties they publish to. Having discovered new opportunities last year, many will continue to advance to new screens and platforms this year, under the motto “the more the merrier”.

This again, keeps us at Lightcast.com on the tips of our toes, innovation levels high, and development at full throttle. After all, we want to prove to all of the many different types of businesses who tried "going OTT" and shift to streaming, that their decision was the right one, and that not only the future of television is streamed, but also their future, and the future of their businesses. And we can't wait to see this year unfold and new businesses and publishers discovering the many opportunities of OTT and multi-platform distribution. Welcome to our world - the more the merrier!


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