Mixmoov Announces HD Support and Partnership with thePlatform
[Note: This sponsored interview was recorded at Streaming Media East, 2012.]
Online video editor Mixmoov has been successfully targeting the prosumer market with its easy yet powerful online video editing tools. During the recent Streaming Media East conference in New York City, Mixmoov president and CEO Ralph Pélamourgues sat down for a red carpet interview to share some exciting news.
"We have a new partnership with a big online video platform, which is called thePlatform. It's very important for us, because it's one of the five biggest OVPs in the world," said Pélamourgues. "We have now partnerships with the biggest OVPs in the world, so that is the end of a strategy we had last year and we are very pleased with that. It's very important for us."
Not only that, but Mixmoov also now supports 720p and 1080p HD video, said Pélamourgues. That should make the service more attractive to a lot of potential customers.
Pélamourgues shared that his company would have even more dramatic news coming at the Streaming Media Europe show in October:
"It's really going to be something very, very exciting, with many features. Very exciting. I can't tell you more now," Pélamourgues demurred. However, after a little prodding, he opened up: "It's going to be something around streaming, first. Perhaps a full streaming studio, who knows? And many other features."
To view the entire red carpet interview, scroll down.
Troy Dreier: Hi, this is Troy Dreier, senior associate editor for StreamingMedia.com, coming to you from the red carpet at Streaming Media East in New York. I'm here today with Ralph Pélamourgues, president and CEO of Mixmoov, an online video editing system. Ralph, why don't you tell me about it?
Ralph Pélamourgues: Well, thank you for having me, first. Mixmoov is a full HD online video editing system, so people can import their media from websites or YouTube or Facebook or what they want. They can edit the medias in the studio and then push the video generated on different websites, or on specific websites. For example, we have partnership with JW Player, so they can work with that. We have partnership with Kaltura, with other big OVPs. So it's integrated in the workflow and they can push on the platform the video generated.
Troy Dreier: So you're aiming at a professional audience, right?
Ralph Pélamourgues: Well, I prefer to say we target a prosumer audience.
Troy Dreier: Prosumer.
Ralph Pélamourgues: Yes, people that need to work with video in their job, but their job is not to make video or to work really on the video. That's prosumer knowledge, yes, because a lot of people today in companies have to work with video without being professional about the video.
Troy Dreier: What are the advantages of working through a browser, versus with a local application?
Ralph Pélamourgues: First one is, you don't have to upload, download constantly some medias to work on them and push them back on the cloud to be published, for example. There you just have to work on the cloud. You can have a connection directly with your Facebook account, for example, your YouTube account, all the websites you work with.
Troy Dreier: So once people are done editing their video, right to their YouTube account.
Ralph Pélamourgues: Yes, it's possible. Yes. You can have a video you have found somewhere on YouTube or anywhere else and import it in the studio instantly, work on it and push it back instantly on YouTube, for example.
Troy Dreier: I heard a little something that you guys made an announcement at Streaming Media East.
Ralph Pélamourgues: Yes, we have a new partnership with a big online video platform, which is called thePlatform. It's very important for us, because it's one of the five biggest OVPs in the world. We have now partnerships with the biggest OVPs in the world, so that is the end of a strategy we had last year and we are very pleased with that. It's very important for us.
Troy Dreier: Is there anything else you're announcing?
Ralph Pélamourgues: We support now 720P and 1080P full HD shared media library.
Troy Dreier: Very good. So what are the next steps for Mixmoov. What are you going to be doing next?
Ralph Pélamourgues: We are going to increase our presence in the US. We have already an office on the West coast and we certainly have one on the East coast by the end of the year. Secondly, we will have a new version of the product which is going to be launched on the Streaming Media in London, in Europe.
Troy Dreier: Wonderful.
Ralph Pélamourgues: On October. And it's really going to be something very, very exciting, with many features. Very exciting. I can't tell you more now, but it's going to be something very, very--
Troy Dreier: We can't leave off there. You've got to give me just a little taste. What are going to get? What new features will we get in October? Just a little something.
Ralph Pélamourgues: It's going to be something around streaming, first. Perhaps a full streaming studio, who knows? And many other features.
Troy Dreier: Terrific. I can't wait to see it. Thank you very much for joining me. This is Troy coming at you from the red carpet.
Ralph Pélamourgues: Thank you very much for having me. Bye-bye. Merci beaucoup à vous de m'avoir reçu, et je vous souhaite un excellent show à New York. [Thank you very much for having me and I wish you an excellent show in New York.]
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