
Belgian Business News TV Station Goes Web

Belgian business news TV station Kanaal Z has begun offering its broadcasts on the Internet. Both the Dutch and the French (Canal Z) versions of the broadcasts may be viewed daily on www.kanaalz.be. On its first day on line, the site attracted as many as 600 visitors, who together requested about 3,000 news items. On the second day the number of visitors almost doubled, according to the company.

For this project, Kanaal Z sought collaboration with streaming media solutions company StreamCase, which has developed a platform that enables Kanaal Z to update the broadcasts on the site itself.

Kanaal Z broadcasts can now be viewed in their entirety on the website. In the future, the company aims to provide additional information on the site, to treat the financial and economic news in greater depth, and eventually to air up-to-the-minute video reports and live broadcasts of annual meetings and road shows.

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