
Excite@Home Opens Video Editing/Sharing Site

Excite@Home (http://www.home.com) said Monday it was teaming with Media 100 ( http://www.media100.com) to launch a personal video editing application for Excite and @Home users.

Media 100 is offering up its IntroDV MovieMate video editor so users can edit and show off their own videos at http://moviemate.excite.com.

"The use of video and streaming media online is clearly a killer app ofbroadband," said Byron Smith, executive vice president of consumer broadbandservices and chief marketing officer, Excite@Home. "With this launch, we arecontinuing our focus on innovative broadband services and our strategy ofrolling out broadband applications on both the @Home service and the Exciteportal. This is the first broadband application that will be available to allour broadband customers, whether they access it from their @Home connection oras an Excite portal user experiencing the Internet with a fast connection."

Once users download and edit a movie, they can upload the streaming video to Excite@Home's @Home WebSpace or Excite.com Clubs for viewing and sharing.

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