
Germany DSL Rollout to Take Advantage of Unbundling

In a move that could help to accelerate the adoption of broadband Internet access in Germany, FirstMark Communications Deutschland has signed a contract with Nortel Networks to deploy DSL services throughout the country.

FirstMark selected Germany for early broadband service rollout because of the country's local loop unbundling policy, which opens competition for last-mile connectivity. Unbundling policies are expected to bring down the cost of DSL to the customer substantially. The choice was also a natural because Germany has the largest number of Internet users in Europe (15.9 million as of year-end 1999). Last-mile connectivity for the DSL rollout will be provided via existing copper wire from Deutsche Telecom.

Under the deal, estimated to be worth US$35 million, FirstMark will use Nortel's Universal Edge Intelligent Multiservice Access System (IMAS). Nortel Networks is also supplying DSL access multiplexers, customer premises equipment, network management systems and installation, commissioning and maintenance services.

"By using Nortel Networks broadband solutions to power our DSL service offerings, we can provide businesses with cost-effective, high-performance Internet access that will dramatically change the way they operate and communicate with customers, partners and vendors," said Tim Samples, president and chief executive officer of FirstMark Communications Europe.

FirstMark Communications Europe is working to build an end-to-end broadband Internet network infrastructure throughout Europe that will connect more than 150 cities in 18 countries

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