
IntelliVision / INeTV AG announces the launch of it’s video-based IT information channel.

IntelliVision / INeTV AG announcedtoday the launch, on February 24. 2000, of the first German video- megasitefeaturing themes around information technology.

As digital media platform (streaming technology) IntelliVision / INeTV AGwill utilize Microsoft Windows Media Technology and most of the InternetTV contributions will be webcast in broadband format as well. The websitewill go online together with the start of the CeBIT 2000 and remainthereafter.

Extensive marketing, technical and content related agreements were requiredto realize this large-scale all-year-round channel.
Content co-operations were entered into with the NEUEN MEDIENGESELLSCHAFT,CNBC and Gruner&Jahr's new web product COMPUTERCHANNEL. An agreementregarding the webcast of press conferences during the CeBIT was closed withthe DEUTSCHEN MESSE AG, Hannover.

On the technical side, according agreements were made with UUNET, NETWORKAPPLIANCE, IBEX, MICROSOFT, MEDIA100 and YAHOO's broadcast.com. UUNET ase-structure provider delivers via its "powered by UUNET"-Network therequired IP-performance for the German content. The English content will behosted in the USA by Yahoo's broadcast.com. With the over 650 streamingservers available in the USA we have reserved sufficient bandwidth toinclude xDSL streams as well. Our NT-streaming servers in Germany will beextended by some caching-server provided by Network Appliance. All streamingservers, encoding units and editorial benches will be provided by IBEX.Editing benches will be supplied by MEDIA100. All servers and PC systemswill run on MICROSOFT's WINDOWS 2000 and exceptionally on WINDOWS 98. Theimplementation will take place using IntelliVision / INeTV 'sIP*Vision™-Technology.

Quotation from a joint press-release by Microsoft and T-Online on January31, 2000 regarding broadband services: "As consumers rapidly adopt digitalmedia into their everyday Web experience, high-quality audio and videodelivery with reliability are absolutely critical to meet customer needs,"said Eric Danke, member of the board of management at T-Online. "WindowsMedia surpassed our initial expectations when we evaluated the technology,and it clearly will give us a competitive edge as we continue to develop ourbroadband Internet services."The most extensive advertising and marketing co-operations up to date, weremade for comm-TV. Co-operation partners are, for example, Yahoo.com,Yahoo.de, MSN.com, MSN.de, Microsoft.de, Microsoft.com, Ebay.de,Windowsmedia.com, Windowsmedia.de, ComputerChannel, WiWo online,Fair-Online.com and Fair-online.de, Handelsblatt interaktiv, Stern online aswell as 70 German exhibitor websites. Daily, more join this list. Alreadytoday, over these websites, we can register as many as 650 Mio. Pageimpressions, which direct or indirectly can access Comm-TV.

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