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Kaltura Releases Education Report, Finds Video an Asset

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Does the use of video in the classroom help students learn and retain information? The answer from Kaltura's first-ever State of Video in Education report is a strong yet. Kaltura is the online video platform (OVP) of choice for many educational institutions, giving it insight into how video is used by educators. In this report, Kaltura questioned 500 people in 300 institutions to learn about their experiences.

An overwhelming number of respondents -- 90 percent -- say that video helps the learning experience. Even simple video solutions can pay off, the survey says. Over half the respondents (57 percent) report that over a quarter of their classes currently include faculty-created video, and slightly fewer (49 percent) say that the average student sees between 6 and 20 education videos each month.

The flipped classroom model -- where students watch instructor-created lecture videos on their own time, then spend class sessions working with the instructor -- is taking off, the report says: 57 percent of those surveyed believe the flipped classroom will win out in higher education, while 48 percent say their institutions already offer flipped classes.

Educational video could even reach out beyond enrolled students: 64 percent of respondents think that creating a Netflix-like video portal where consumers could watch lectures simply for self-enrichment would be a good idea.

Kaltura offers the full report as a free download (registration required).

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