
Lightningcast Brightens Holidays for Charities

Streaming ad insertion company, Lightningcast (www.lightningcast.com) announced that it will be taking a step further in its nonprofit initiative, by supporting its public service announcement (PSA) customers even more.

Lightningcast, which inserts targeted audio and video ads into streaming media, said it received an overwhelming response to its initiative in September to place PSAs free-of-charge throughout the Lightningcast network.

In true holiday spirit, Lightningcast will offer PSA contributors the opportunity to be featured on Lightningcast's Web site for the duration of the holiday season. In addition to this, Lightningcast will encourage visitors to its site to donate to the charities that are listed.

"Since we had such a phenomenal response to our initial PSA commitment, we wanted to take it one step further during the holiday season," explained Tom Des Jardins, CEO of Lightningcast. "Now in addition to reaching a potential audience of over 30 million listeners, nonprofit organizations will have the opportunity to secure additional revenue as we drive visitors to their sites."

Lightningcast's ad insertion technology enables clients to target demographic groups and ensures that these organizations' PSAs reach the right person at the right time.

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