
Loudeye Opens London Office

Loudeye (http://www.loudeye.com) announced the establishment of its first international office with the opening of an office in London.

Loudeye says this will increase its level of service to customers in Europe.

The London office is initially staffed with 8 full-timeemployees led by Rupert de Laszlo, former European managing director of STV. Priorto STV, de Laszlo managed corporate events, advertising and sponsorships forCNBC Sports.

Loudeye's business solution includes digital media services, like encoding, as well as consulting.

"Loudeye has been servicing our European customers for quite some time andwe have seen the demand for our products and services increase. Thisinternational expansion brings our years of experience and expertise instreaming media on the Internet to companies looking to enhance their Internetpresence by using digital media on their Web sites," said Martin Tobias,minister of order and reason, founder and CEO, Loudeye Technologies, Inc."The availability of this experienced local team has allowed us to immediatelyprovide the high level of service, expertise and quality Loudeye customershave come to expect."

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