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Matsushita and NEC in 3G video alliance

'The business opportunities for streaming audio and video over mobile' have spurred leading Japanese mobile handset manufacturers Matsushita and NEC to create a groundbreaking technology alliance.

Through the agreement, signed today, Matsushita and NEC will implement a significant global business development alliance in such areas as technical standardisation, core engineering development, and software development in the mobile handset field. The agreement comprises the following key aspects:

1. Cooperation in designing common specifications/architectures for third-generation mobile handsets, and in developing application software and other related products;
2. Joint development of new mobile terminals for the mobile multimedia market;
3. Close cooperation on quality validation for new products;
4. Possible OEM supply of various products, when necessary, ranging from 2.5G GSM/GPRS to 3G devices.

Both companies intend to concentrate on introducing products for the rapidly expanding global mobile multimedia market. In a statement released to the press, NEC said; 'The achievement of larger-capacity and higher-speed networks has enabled the introduction of a wide variety of new media and new technologies such as music, video and broadcasting, creating many new business opportunities in the emerging mobile multimedia market.

The mobile handset, as the primary means of accessing the Internet in this market, is now becoming a highly advanced device adopting many new features and technologies.'

Results of the alliance are expected to include a new breed of streaming-enabled personal digital assistants (PDAs) and a universal video transmission platform for mobile phones.

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