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Mixpo's Ad Tools Now Extend Reach to Tablets

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With more people enjoying online video on their tablet computers, it was only a matter of time until a solution came along that targeted the devices. Online video advertising company Mixpo announced that it's Web-based video advertising studio now lets advertisers extend their campaigns to tablets.

The studio's new abilities let advertisers create both in-app and in-browser  experiences for tablets. Customers can use the same resources and create tailored ads that show on tablet computers.

Advanced tools let customers add interactive elements to their advertisements, and to control their ads based on geography, time of day, or message sequencing.

The studio works for any tablets. It detects the host device and shows the appropriate advertisement, whether Flash or HTML5. Metrics are also divided by the type of tablet used, so that advertisers can see where they're getting the best engagement.

"Previously, ad creation tools for HTML5 have been rudimentary or prohibitively expensive and time-consuming, limiting brand advertisers' ability to deploy cross-platform campaigns and wasting valuable ad dollars," says Anupam Gupta, president and CEO of Mixpo. "By leveraging dynamic video ads supported by our latest technology, advertisers and publishers can create compelling experiences for consumers that extend from the Web to tablets, increasing impact and driving higher return on investment."

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