
MusicMatch Gets Funding and Releases Mac Version

MusicMatch (http://www.musicmatch.com) introduced the beta release of MusicMatch Jukebox for the Macintosh.

Previously, Mac users were shut out of the Jukebox space. This is a first for them.

"Until now, Mac users have been forced to pay a premium in order tobenefit from the advanced MP3 recording, organization and playback featuresall-in-one jukebox software has to offer," said Dennis Mudd, CEO ofMusicMatch, Inc. "MusicMatch Jukebox 1.0 for the Macintosh offers all ofthese features and more to Mac users in one easy-to-use package, and we'reproviding it to them for free."

MusicMatch also announced today that Intel Capital has becomean equity investor in the company. The amount of the investment wasn't disclosed.

The investment will help MusicMatchaccelerate product development efforts and expand operations.

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