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OnlineVideo.net Launches Contest: Searches for Great Online Video

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Does your company or organization create fantastic online videos? Prove it, says OnlineVideo.net. The site has just kicked off its first annual Video in Practice (VIP) contest looking for excellence in online video.

What sets the VIP contest apart is that it's not just looking at the videos themselves, but also how they're used on a website. OnlineVideo.net (which is owned by Information Today Inc., StreamingMedia.com's parent company) regularly instructs readers on how to get more out of their online video efforts. In this contest, it aims to reward those who are leading the way.

To enter the contest, visit the VIP page and choose a category. The site divides entries by small or large business, local or national product or service, and nonprofit, governmental, or educational organization. After that, upload a video that's stored locally or hosted on YouTube.

Entrants are also asked to drop OnlineVideo.net a note telling about the parent site. Those interested have until May 2 to submit an entry. From May 9 to 23, the site's viewers will vote and determine the top three entries in each category. After that, the site's panel of judges will determine the winner.

"I love this contest, because it lets entrants showcase not only what's in their video, but how they're using the video in the overall context of their business," says OnlineVideo.net editor Eric Schumacher-Rasmussen. "Videos need to be effective on their own, of course, but our site has always been about the bigger picture. I can't wait to see the entrants."

Prizes for the contest include Adobe Creative Suite 5 Production Premium, Microsoft Expression Encoder, Sorenson Media Squeeze 7, Telestream Wirecast 4.0, and Wowza Media Server.

OnlineVideo.net is devoted to helping business owners grow their online performance by serving video. The site includes video essentials, strategy tips, buyer's guides, how-tos, reviews, and more.

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