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Petition aims to change broadband landscape

An online petition attempting to change the ‘stagnant broadband landscape’ of the UK has received over 55,000 signatures in its first two days.

www.Broadband4Britain aims to demonstrate the genuinefrustration of the British industry and public at the dire state ofhigh-speed broadband services to homes and businesses in the UK by earning 1 million responses before Christmas.

The campaign is looking to promote 100% subsidised services, a u-turn by BT on open access and a massive countrywide increase in education on the benefits that broadband can deliver.

The independent campaign has been set up by Barrie Desmond, a small business owner based near Cardiff, South Wales.

‘We’re fed up with the state of the broadband market,’ Desmond told Streaming Media Europe. ‘Our campaign is trying to reach out to the silent majority to give them a voice. We want to work with BT to increse broadband access and improve efficiency and savings for business across the country.'

‘Analysts say broadband in Britain is in decline and even Bill Gates has commented on the poor state of the UK in broadband terms calling it the biggest threat to the internet in the UK,' he added.

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