
Polycom Reports First Quarter Results

Polycom (http://www.polycom.com) reported its operating results for the first quarter, endingMarch 31, 2000.

Net revenues grew to $67.3 million, an increaseof 63% compared to $41.3 million recorded for the first quarter of 1999. Netincome in the first quarter was $11.6 million, or 31 cents per diluted share.

"Polycom continues to benefit from the rapid shift to the broadbandinfrastructure and the applications enabled by the rapidly growingavailability of high bandwidth in business and government entities of allsizes," said Robert Hagerty, president and CEO. "Every broadband application, from voice to real-time video communications tovideo streaming to ISP access, is driving a more powerful way to conduct business worldwide."

Net revenues for all product lines performed at record levels, said the company.

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