
RealNetworks Partners with Cisco

RealNetworks (www.realnetworks.com) announced on Monday that it is partneringwith Cisco to incorporate RealSystem iQ in Cisco's contentnetworking product family.

Cisco (www.cisco.com) will include RealSystem Server 8 and RealSystemProxy 8 within its content networking product line, and willresell the RealSystem iQ platform, including RealSystem ServerIntranet products, to enterprise customers.

Also, RealNetworks and Cisco will cooperatively marketand sell digital delivery solutions to ISP's and network serviceproviders.

"We designed the highly scaleable, reliable,OS-independent architecture of RealSystem iQ to easily integrate into theinfrastructure of the Internet-infrastructure that Cisco helped to pioneer," said Rob Glaser,chairman and CEO, RealNetworks in a statement. "That's why it makesperfect sense for RealNetworks and Cisco to joinforces and provide comprehensive media deliverysolutions that enable customers to generate revenueand create new business applications."

"With this strategic agreement, Cisco and RealNetworksadvance the delivery of the next generation," saidMike Volpi, senior vice president and chief strategyofficer of Cisco Systems.

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