
TellSoft Announces Release of the iTalk Server 3.0

TellSoft Technologies (http://www.tellsoft.com) unveiled theiTalk Server version 3.0, an upgrade to its system which allows users to create streaming audio files via a telephone.

TellSoft sells the iTalk Server and provides as series of phone/webcasting services called iTalk Servers. The iTalk Server 3.0 converts voice messages recorded via the telephone into streaming media files and publishes the files to web sites. It also has a live solution for broadcasting live events over the Internet via thetelephone.

One of the new features it that the new server supports multiple player formats: Microsoft's Windows Media Player 5.0 and RealNetwork's RealPlayer G2.

"This upgrade continues to support our position as the leader in drivingrich-media solutions to the Internet via the telephone," says Bill Tomeo,president and CEO of TellSoft Technologies, Inc. "Because end users canchoose players, we are able to generate and deliver a more desirable customerexperience."

The upgraded server new features includes support for "Multistreaming" to encode in multiple formats and codecs, the ability to integrate voice with multimedia content for presentations, and enhanced administration tools.

INTERVU, one of TellSoft's customers, says that having one server saves them money. "We're especially pleased with the multistream capability and support ofmultiple formats," said Scott Crowder, senior vice president of technology services at INTERVU. "Prior to this release, we had two separate streaming andencoding platforms. We can now easily capture each telephone call andautomatically encode, stream, and archive to support both RealNetworks andWindows Media Player formats. We came to TellSoft for a solution that wouldscale to our patented distributed architecture. TellSoft's technology remainsthe only scalable solution that meets our needs."

TellSoft offers its services offerings (iTalkLive, iTalkWeb and iTalkMail) as well, for those companies not willing to invest in servers.

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