
TellSoft offers iTalkServices to Teleconferencing Providers

TellSoft Technologies (www.tellsoft.com) announced it is going to offer iTalkServices to teleconferencing companies ECI ( www.calleci.com) and Synchron (www.synchron.com).

According to the terms of the agreement, ECI and Synchron will offer their customers TellSoft's iTalkServices, including italkLive (live Internet broadcasting), iTalkSlides (live Internet presentations) and iTalkWeb (voice web publishing).

The teleconferencing companies will be able to provide their customers with TellSoft's streaming audio creation and delivery solutions. TellSoft says this deal will bring them into the $1.2 billion data conferencing market.

"Pairing TellSoft's expertise in the rich-media outsourcing space with ECI and Synchron's expertise and established presence in teleconferencing creates a definite win-win situation, " said Bill Tomeo, president and CEO of TellSoft Technologies. "These providers can leverage iTalkServices to increase their competitive differentiation, reduce chrun rates and boost revenue opportunities while providing additional value to their customers. In turn, through these agreements, TellSoft is further extending our reach into a significant market."

TellSoft's services are based on using a touch-tone phone to create voice communications that are immediately delivered via the Web using streaming media technology.

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