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Twitter Introduces Promoted Video in Beta

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Twitter feeds are going to get a little more active, thanks to the company's introduction of Promoted Video. After a testing period earlier this year that put one-touch video playback in Twitter timelines, the company has launched Promoted Video in beta.

With Promoted Video, advertisers can run video ads in Twitter and only pay when their video is clicked. Customers can track their ad's performance with metrics that show completion percentages, and organic and paid views. Promoted Video is also open to some verified Twitter accounts and publishers.

The Promoted Video feature comes from the Twitter Amplify program, which lets media companies share exciting moments, such as game highlights, by tweeting them.

In a blog post, David Regan, senior product manager for TV and video at Twitter, said that tests show native Twitter video produces better engagement and increased views.

The bicycle manufacturer Specialized is one of the companies that tested Promoted Video, reports AdWeek, and it found that the ad unit doubled engagement compared to branded tweets.

Twitter hasn't said when Promoted Video will become available to all users.

Twitter posted strong second quarter results recently with revenue reaching $312 million, twice that of the previous year. Ad revenue rose to $277 million, 81 percent of which is from mobile users.

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