
Viewers Choose The Endings In Vycast’s Sitcom

Vycast Entertainment (www.vycast.com) announced that it has released the debut episode of its online interactive sitcom. Days after the launch of Suite218.com, over 1.5 million hits have been recorded for the show, described as a blend of Seinfeld, Survivor and Pulp Fiction.

"Thus far, companies have been trying to emulate the television on our computer monitors, " says Craig LePan, Vycast co-founder. "Vycast has taken a different approach, and the key to the show's success lies in the formula. This is the first quality entertainment to hit the Internet that is truly unique to the medium."

The weekly show, which airs every Friday, is seven minutes in length and involves the audience in the direction of the storyline by closing each show with a series of multiple choice questions. The script for the next week's episode is written based on the majority vote. The show focuses on the lives of Hagan, Clarence and Holly, who start a web design firm called Suite218 Design.

"It's exciting to be a part of something new and fresh," says Kevin Shortt, Vycast co-founder and director of entertainment and formally a producer of Disney's "So Weird". "This is an exciting venture that will change online entertainment."

iBEAM is powering the audio and video distribution through its global streaming media network, a point to multi-point system that combines satellite and fiber-optic technologies to stream media directly into Internet Access Provider's networks.

"Vycast and Suite218.com represent the exciting future of Internet content, " said Tom Gillis, senior vice president and general manager of media services of iBEAM. "By combining iBEAM's broadcast deliver capabilities and individual interaction and empowerment of Suite218.com, we've captured a very real and very popular genre of next generation entertainment that hundreds of thousands of users can enjoy simultaneously."

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