
Virgin JamCast and RealNetworks Partner

Wavo (http://www.wavo.com) and Virgin JamCast announced a deal with RealNetworks ( http://www.realnetworks.com) to feature a customized version of the RealJukebox player on theJamCast Web site (http://www.virginjamcast.com).

Virgin JamCast is a partnership between the Virgin Entertainment and Wave, a service provider. It provides a music listening service that allows listeners to automatically receive music selections thereby eliminating download times. Files are essentially "pushed" to the PC while they surf.

The Virgin JamCast edition of RealJukeBox will bedistributed on CD-ROM at Virgin Megastores.

"We realize that our customers view time as their most precious commodity.Our partnership with RealNetworks rounds out our comprehensive one-stopsolution to hassle-free music downloading by allowing consumers to not onlyselect, receive, and purchase their music, but now manage and play it moreefficiently as well," said Peter M. White, president of WAVO Corporation.

Virgin JamCast has a digital music catalog in excess of 100,000 tracks,primarily provided through partnerships with Liquid Audio and The Orchard.

Virgin JamCast will unveil an extensive national multi-million dollarmarketing and promotional campaign later this year. White says they've had good response to the service, launched just three months ago. "This positive response is testament that our choices of content, distribution, technology and business partners are right on the mark," said White. "We led this industry in our ability to offera convenient, time saving solution for music downloading, and we will continueto lead and define the digital music download industry as it evolves in theyears to come."

Earlier this year, RealNetworks made its own entry into the "push" arena with a deal with BackWeb (http://www.backweb.com). It is expected that Real will use this technology to push music to its RealJukebox users.

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