
Waves Releases MaxxStream Hardware/Software Audio Encoder

Waves Ltd. (http://www.waves.com)announced the release of MaxxStream, a hardware and software product for encoding and streaming audio that works with Real and Microsoft systems.

"MaxxStream integrates our acclaimed audio-processing expertise into acohesive package of technologies," said Gilad Keren, chairman and CEO ofWaves. "MaxxStream . . . provide[s] a complete, cost-effective tool set thatenables broadcasters and content creators to stream studio-quality, live audioover the Net."

"MaxxStream, in conjunction with Waves' PCI sound cards, can encodeeight audio channels simultaneously on a single computer. This taskpreviously required eight separate computers and expensive, externalpre-processing equipment, but can now be accomplished by a single PC withfour cards!," says Keran.

MaxxStream supports Real G2 and Microsoft Media 4.01.

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